Retaining Wall Construction | San Diego Retaining Wall Contractor

San Diego, California

Concrete retaining walls have been a fundamental element in construction projects in many areas of San Diego for a long time. As flat building lots are now the exception rather than the norm structural retaining walls can potentially add valuable developable area to building sites. Structural retaining walls are typically constructed using one of three techniques utilized locally in San Diego, cast in place concrete retaining walls, CMU block retaining walls, and Shotcrete retaining walls.

  • Cast In Place Retaining Walls - More common are cast in place retaining walls. These walls are more common as CMU units limit the placement of rebar within the wall and most substantial retaining walls have a large amount of rebar to give it the strength required. Wood form work is constructed first on one side of the wall, rebar is placed as required by the structural engineer, then the second side of the form work is constructed and concrete is pumped and vibrated into the form work.
  • CMU Block Walls - CMU block walls are the simplest walls to construct as no form work is required. Precast concrete block, also known as concrete masonry units, are placed over a supporting foundation, rebar is set at specified horizontal and vertical locations and the CMU cells are pumped with concrete.
  • Shotcrete Retaining Walls - The third method is Shotcrete retaining walls. Shotcrete walls are constructed in a similar way as cast in place walls but instead of constructing the second side of the form work a special type of concrete, Shotcrete, is then blown onto the single sided form.

Our mission is to build retaining walls that last a lifetime and enhance the property. Retaining walls are frequently utilized to maximize a properties potential, both in terms of view and size. We specialize in the construction of retaining walls in all conditions. Each Retaining wall is unique and From hillside to the flats, cast in place to CMU, we can handle your retaining wall project.



Landscape retaining walls can add dimension, depth, and valuable space to any outdoor setting. The added flexibility landscaping retaining walls give allow beautiful outdoor settings to be designed on slopes once thought to be undevelopable. We provide both cast in place retaining walls and CMU block walls.